ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggambarkan pengaruh Sources of fashion knowledge, Dressing style, Fashion motivation dan Fashion uniqueness terhadap Fashion consciousness pada Hijab fashion consumption melalui online shop di wilayah Indonesia yang direplikasi dari penelitian Hassan Harrun 2016 . Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, self-administered survey, menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan total responden sebanyak 200 sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor Sources of fashion knowledge, Dressing style, Fashion motivation dan Fashion uniqueness memiliki pengaruh terhadap Fashion consciousness dan secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi Hijab fashion consumption.
ABSTRACTThis research is conducted to describe the influences of Sources of fashion knowledge, Dressing style, Fashion motivation and Fashion uniqueness through Fashion consciousness in Hijab fashion consumption through online shop in Indonesia, which is replicated from the previous reseach by Hassan Harrun 2016 . The research is a descriptive research, self administered survey, purposive sampling technique with total 200 respondents. The results show that Sources of fashion knowledge, Dressing style, Fashion motivation and Fashion uniqueness positively influence Fashion consciousness indirectly influences Hijab fashion consumption.