Retur obat dan alat kesehatan sering terjadi pada pasien rawat inap. Rata-rata retur RS Royal Taruma tahun 2016 sekitar 10% dari transaksi penjualan. Penelitian bertujuan mencari faktor penyebab, dampak dan permasalahan retur dengan desain penelitian studi kasus secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif atas transaksi retur April 2017. Berdasarkan penelitian, penyebab retur dibagi menjadi faktor penyebab dari pasien (3,1%), dokter (63,1%) yaitu pasien pulang (33%), penghentian/ penggantian terapi (30,1%) serta faktor internal (33,8%) yang berhubungan dengan SDM, prosedur, sistem informasi dan pengawasan. Permasalahan retur dan ketidakefisien sistem informasi mengakibatkan pemborosan waktu, biaya sehingga disarankan untuk memperbaiki sistem distribusi obat dan sistem informasi.
Medications and disposable medical equipment returned are common in hospitalized patients. The average of medications return at Royal Taruma Hospital in 2016 is about 10% of sales transactions. The purpose of the research is to find the causal factors, impacts and problems of medication returned applying case study designs with qualitative and quantitative data on the return transactions of April 2017. Based on the research, the causes were divided into factors of the patient (3.1%), physician (63.1%) consist of returning patients (33%), discontinuation/replacement therapy (30.1%) and internal factor (33.8%) related to human resources, procedures, information systems and supervision. Problems of returns and inefficiencies of information systems lead to waste of time, costs. It is advisable to improve drug distribution systems and information systems.