ABSTRAKFaktor risiko yang berkontribusi dalam kematian bayi salah satunya kelahiran bayi berat lahir rendah. Strategi yang diupayakan yakni meningkatkan keberhasilan pemberian air susu ibu. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui informasi mendalam dan fakta terkait perilaku pemberian ASI pada BBLR selama di RSUD Karawang. Pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan desain Rapid Assessment Procedure dengan metode pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam 7 ibu dan 4 kepala ruang, diskusi kelompok terarah 6 perawat bidan serta observasi 2 ibu. Ibu yang dapat memberikan ASI di rumah sakit adalah ibu dengan pendidikan baik dan tidak kembali bekerja. Ibu tidak yakin dapat memberikan kolostrum selama di rumah sakit namun yakin dapat menyusui eksklusif setelah keluar dari rumah sakit. Ibu memiliki kondisi fisik dan psikologis tidak baik selama di rumah sakit. Penyuluhan ASI dan kebijakan pemberian pengganti ASI di rumah sakit belum mendukung perilaku pemberian ASI eksklusif. Ibu yang tidak didukung suami, keluarga dan petugas kesehatan tetap berusaha memberikan ASI. Ibu dapat menyusui BBLR secara langsung di ruang menyusui PMK. Perilaku pemberian ASI pada BBLR dapat dilakukan ibu yang memiliki kesehatan fisik dan psikologis baik serta menyusui di PMK. Promosi ASI eksklusif dan upaya pendampingan tambahan terhadap kondisi psikologis perlu dilakukan pada ibu dan keluarga dengan BBLR selama di rumah sakit.
ABSTRACTOne factor that contribute in infant rsquo s mortality was low birth weight infant rsquo s delivery. The strategy was increased implementation of breastfeeding practice successfully. This study aims to explore information and fact about low birth weight infant breastfeeding behavior at Center Hospital of Karawang. Qualitative approach with Rapid Assessment Procedure design was used to collect data from 7 mothers and 4 head offices with depth interview method, focus group discussion from 6 midwife nurses, and also observation from 2 mothers. Mothers who did breastfeeding practice in hospital have better educational level and did not return to work. Mothers had no belief to give colostrum during breastfeeding practice in hospital, otherwise to give breastfeeding exclusively after hospital discharge. Mothers have poor physic and psychology condition during breastfeeding practice in hospital. Promotion and policy of complementary feeding did not support breastfeeding practice in hospital. Mothers who got no support from their partners, families and also health providers were trying to breastfeed. Mothers could did breastfeeding practice directly in PMK room. Breastfeeding behavior for low birth weight infants could be doing by mothers who did breastfeeding practiced with better physical and psychological condition. Exclusive breastfeeding promotion and psychology guidance were needed for low birth weight infant rsquo s mothers and families.