ABSTRACTThis study was carried out to ascertain the effect of
essential amino acids supplementation in renal failure patients on
dialysis. 22 renal failure patients on dialysis without any signs
and symptoms of G.I. disorders, liver disease, uncontrolled
diabetic mellitus were recruited to . the study. 11 patients served
as subjects and received essential amino acids supplementation, 11
others served as control group who received placebo. The subjects
had undergone basic physical examination, biochemical assessment
(Hb, transferrin, ureum and creatinine) and dietary assessment at
the beginning and at the end of the study. The study cone 1 uded
that the essential amino acids supplementation given to renal
failure patients on dialysis has significantly increased the
transferrin value, this may suggest an improvement of the protein
status of the patients. The study a 1 so pointed out that the
increased in transferrin as an effect of the essential amino acids
supplementation didt:l.'t cause an extra burden to the kidneys.
Further investigations are needed to reconfirm this finding