The Dalā’il al-nāshid ‘an aḥkām al-walā’im fī-l-masājid (Arguments of the Seeker for Legal Judgements concerning Festive Meals in Mosques) is a short tract, written in 1938 in Malay in Arabic script by Yaḥyā b. ‘Uthmān b. ‘AbdAllāh, none other than a son of the renowned Batavian muftī Sayyid ‘Uthmān (1822-1914). Protesting against the (in his view) bid‘a (unauthorized religious innovation) of organizing festive meals in mosques, he felt it his duty to try to stop his co-religionists from doing wrong. Not being a theologian himself, his pamphlet is basically a tissue of quotations drawn from the prolific work of his well-known father.