Penelitian daun sirih hijau sebagai antibakteri penyakit mastitis sapi perah telah dilakukan. Penelitian bertujuan daun sirih dapat sebagai pengganti antibiotik terhadap penyakit mastitis. Sebanyak 144 sampel susu mastitis dikoleksi dari daerah peternakan dataran rendah 250 m dpl, menengah 450 m dpl dan tinggi 720 m dpl. Bakteri diidentifikasi, diisolasi dan diuji daya antibakteri menggunakan ekstrak daun sirih konsentrasi 6,25; 12,5; 25 dan 50 b/v secara in vitro. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan efektivitas ekstrak daun sirih konsentrasi 50 dibandingkan antibiotika komersial Lactaclox adalah berturut-turut 63,94; 66,23 dan 80,89 di dataran rendah, menengah dan tinggi. Secara in vivo, ekstrak daun sirih signifikan dapat menurunkan jumlah bakteri P.
Research an antibacterial green betel leaf of dairy cow against mastitis diseases have carried out. The aims of the study to examine the ability of extract leaf medicinal plant against bacterial mastitis at dairy farm in three level of altitudes lower 250 m, moderate 450 m and high land 720 m. Four concentrations of extract leaf were 6.25 12.5 25 , and 50 b v which be done in vitro. The results revealed that the effectiveness extract leaf high at 50 compare to the commercial antibiotics were 63.94 66.23 and 80.89 at low, moderate and high altitude, respectively. Moreover, in vivo study was resulted significantly different P.