ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perceived product quality,
perceived service quality dan perceived experience quality terhadap perceived
value, serta pengaruh perceived value tersebut terhadap keputusan infrequent
customer untuk melakukan revisit intention pada trendy coffee café. Sampel dalam
penelitian ini berjumlah 129 orang yang merupakan infrequent customer dari
trendy coffee cafe. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengolah data dalam penelitian
ini adalah Multiple Regression. Hasil penelitian membuktikan secara signifikan
bahwa perceived product quality dan perceived experience quality berpengaruh
terhadap perceived value. Namun, perceived service quality tidak memiliki
pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perceived value dari infrequent customer pada
trendy coffee café, sedangkan perceived value memiliki pengaruh yang kuat
terhadap revisit intention dari infrequent customer pada trendy coffee café.
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to analyze the influence of perceived product quality, perceived
service quality, perceived quality experience to the perceived value, and the
effect of the perceived value to revisit intention on infrequent customer of trendy
coffee café. Sample in this research were 129 people who are infrequent
customer of trendy coffee cafe. This study uses Multiple Regression to process
the data. The result of this research shows significantly that perceived product
quality and perceived quality experience have impact on perceived value.
However, perceived service quality does not have a significant impact on the
perceived value of infrequent customer at the trendy coffee café, while the
perceived value has positive impact on infrequent customer?s intention to revisit
trendy coffee café.