ABSTRAKAdanya online reviews memungkinkan pelanggan dapat berbagi pengalaman berbelanja online kepada semua orang. Wisatawan biasanya menggunakan online rerviews untuk mencari informasi mengenai tujuan wisata dan untuk melakukan transaksi online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari online reviews pada online travel website terhadap online hotel booking intention serta mengetahui apakah faktor-faktor online reviews berbeda berdasarkan perbedaan gender. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa faktor usefulness of online reviews, timeliness of online reviews, volume of online reviews memiliki pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap online hotel booking intention, sedangkan negative online reviews berpengaruh negatif secara signifikan terhadap online hotel booking intention. Faktor reviewer expertise, positive online reviews, dan comprehensiveness of online reviews tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap online hotel booking intention. Serta terdapat perbedaan antara pria dan wanita dalam hal reviewer expertise, timeliness of online reviews, volume of online reviews, positive online reviews dan negative online reviews.
ABSTRACTOnline Reviews allow customer to share their online shopping experience to everyone. Travelers usually use the online review to search for the information about destinations and to conduct online transactions. This thesis aims to determine the effect of online reviews on online travel websites to online hotel booking intention and to know whether the factors of online reviews is different based on gender differences. This study found that usefulness of online reviews, timeliness of online reviews, the volume of online reviews have a significant positive effect on online hotel booking intention, whereas negative online reviews a significant negative influence on the online hotel booking intention. The reviewer expertise, positive online reviews, and the comprehensiveness of online reviews are not significantly influence the online hotel booking intention. And there are differences between men and women in terms of reviewer expertise, timeliness of online reviews, the volume of online reviews, online positive reviews and negative online reviews.