Berbagai penelitian telah mengasosiasikan tingkah laku merokok pada remaja dengan stres dan persepsi yang mereka miliki mengenai dampak dari perilaku merokok tersebut. Meskipun begitu, belum terdapat penelitian yang melihat peran persepsi dampak merokok dalam hubungan stres dan perilaku merokok. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilihat bagaimana kontribusi persepsi dampak merokok dalam hubungan antara tingkat stres dan intensitas merokok. Terdapat 3 alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu Perceived Stress Scale Cohen et al., 1983 , Stress Scale Dahlam, dalam Herwina 2006 , dan item-item untuk mengukur perception of smoking-related risk and benefits Halpern-Felsher et al., 2004; Song et al., 2008 . Dari 150 partisipan, ditemukan bahwa persepsi dampak merokok yang termasuk keuntungan berhubungan positif dengan intensitas merokok secara signifikan t 1,148 =4,75, p
Various studies have associated adolescents 39 smoking behavior to stress and perception related to the impact of the behavior. Even so, no study has examined the role of perception of smoking impact in the relation between stress and smoking behavior. In this study, the contribution of smoking impact perception in the relationship between stress level and smoking intensity will be examined. Three scales were used which were Perceived Stress Scale Cohen et al., 1983 , Stress Scale Dahlam, in Herwina, 2006 , and items to measure perception of smoking related risk and benefits Halpern Felsher et al., 2004 Song et al., 2008 . From 150 participants, this study found that perception of smoking impact related to benefit is positively related to smoking intensity significantly t 1,148 4,75, p