Skripsi ini mengkaji keterlibatan Indonesia dengan hukum lingkungan internasional ndash; khususnya perubahan iklim ndash; di era pemerintahan Jokowi kini. Penilaian tersebut dilakukan dengan melihat rencana aksi nasional Nawacita, serta langkah-langkah pelaksanaan yang diambil oleh pemerintahan yang menunjukkan komitmen terhadap perkembangan hukum perubahan iklim internasional. Meskipun pemerintah saat ini tidak memiliki tangan langsung dalam negosiasi perubahan iklim pasca-2012 di bawah Konvensi Kerangka Kerja PBB tentang Perubahan Iklim UNFCCC dan Protokol Kyoto, beserta awal administrasi yang dimulai tahun 2014, adopsi Perjanjian Paris 2015 dapat menjadi indikator yang menunjukkan bahwa administrasi kini-lah yang sedang dan akan membentuk kebijakan yang mencerminkan tujuan dari perjanjian internasional tersebut.Mengingat kompleksitas dan luasnya lingkup negosiasi lingkungan pasca-2012, pembahasan dimulai dengan mendeskripsikan respon lima negara yang berbeda terhadap instrumen hukum internasional tentang perubahan iklim. Satu aspek utama daripadanya, yaitu mitigasi emisi gas rumah kaca, adalah isu sentral untuk negosiasi pasca-2012, serta prioritas bagi Indonesia di arena internasional sebagai negara penghasil emisi akibat deforestasi dan perubahan penggunaan lahan. Isu transboundary loss, dimana didalamnya termasuk haze kebakaran hutan, menjadi contoh paling signifikan.Akibat dari Perjanjian Paris 2015 belum sepenuhnya dieksplorasi. Namun, mengingat kesejarahan perubahan iklim sebagai isu global, serta perlunya ada perubahan paradigma yang dianut oleh masyarakat internasional dalam rangka pembangunan berkelanjutan, skripsi ini berpendapat bahwa kebijakan domestik Indonesia beserta instrument/sistem hukum tentu harus sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat menjadi landasan bagi tujuan yang lebih ambisius ke depan.
This thesis examines Indonesia rsquo s engagement with international environmental law more specifically, climate change ndash in the current Jokowi administration. The assessment is undertaken by examining the national action plan Nawacita, as well as the implementing measures taken by the administration that shows a commitment to the developments of international climate change law. Although the current administration may not have had a direct hand in the ldquo post 2012 rdquo negotiations of climate change under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol seeing that it rsquo s term of office started in 2014, the adoption of the 2015 Paris Agreement proves that the administration will be responsible for shaping policies that reflect the aims of the ldquo ambitious and balanced plan rdquo of the agreement.Given the complexity and breadth of issues addressed by the post 2012 negotiations, this thesis chooses to draw comparisons between State responses to regime. Additionally, it focuses on one major aspect of the negotiations, namely, the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. This was the central issue for the post 2012 negotiations to resolve, as well as the key negotiating priority of Indonesia as a significant emitter of greenhouse gases due to deforestation and land use change. The thesis undertakes its assessment by looking at the underlying foundation of Indonesia rsquo s domestic policies, which is the Nawacita and putting it vis vis with actual policies and international issues of transboundary loss faced by the ongoing government.Furthermore, due to the contemporaneous nature of the subject, the ramifications of the 2015 Paris Agreement has yet to be fully explored. However, given the historicity of climate change as a global issue, as well as the changing paradigms espoused by the international community that now aims for sustainable development, this thesis argues that Indonesia rsquo s domestic policies and promulgated legal instruments must necessarily enable the environment so as to lay foundation for more ambitious goals beyond 2020.Keywords International law, climate change, post Kyoto.