Latar belakang: Performa mastikasi dapat dilihat dari kemampuan menghancurkan makanan. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhinya adalah jumlah FTUs. Namun, belum diperoleh jumlah FTUs minimal untuk menghasilkan performa mastikasi baik. Selain itu, usia dan jenis kelamin juga berpengaruh terhadap performa mastikasi tetapi beberapa penelitian memiliki perbedaan pendapat terkait hal tersebut.
Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh jumlah FTUs, usia, dan jenis kelamin terhadap performa mastikasi.
Metode: Penilaian jumlah FTUs melalui catatan kontak gigi posterior dari 50 subjek sesuai kriteria inklusi sedangkan penilaian performa mastikasi melalui pencampuran warna bolus permen karet dua warna.
Hasil Penelitian: Jumlah FTUs sangat berpengaruh terhadap performa mastikasi p=0.667 sedangkan usia dan jenis kelamin tidak mempengaruhi performa mastikasi p=0,245 dan p=0,169.
Kesimpulan: Semakin banyak jumlah FTUs maka semakin baik performa mastikasi.
Background: Individual masticatory performance can be shown from their ability to break down the food. Number of FTUs can affect masticatory performance. But, there is no research about the minimum number of FTUs that still produce a good masticatory performance. In addition, age and gender also affects for masticatory performance but few studies have disagreements about that. Purpose: To analyze the effect of number of FTUs, age and gender for masticatory performance. Methods: Number of FTUs's evaluation through the contact record of posterior teeth from 50 subjects that include in criteria and masticatory performance's evaluation through the color mixing gum bolus. Results: Number of FTUs give positively affect for masticatory performance p 0.667 whereas age and gender doesn't affect for that p 0,245 and p 0,169 .Conclusion: The greater number of FTUs makes good masticatory performance.