ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan
pemanfaatan posyandu lansia di Puskesmas Bambanglipuro. Desain cross sectional
dan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner digunakan pada 180 orang responden yang
dipilih secara multistage random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 73,3%
responden memanfaatkan posyandu, dimana faktor jenis kelamin (p=0,004),
pengetahuan (p=0,001), sikap (p=0,001), ketersediaan posyandu (p=0,001), jarak
(p=0,012), dukungan keluarga (p= 0,001), peran petugas (p= 0,001), sikap petugas
(p= 0,011), peran kader (p=0,001), sikap kader (p=0,010) dan kebutuhan (p=0,001)
berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan posyandu lansia, untuk itu perlu ditingkatkan
sosialisasi, pembinaan, pengembangan dan penyediaan sarana posyandu, pelatihan
dan reward kader, jadwal dan rutinitas kegiatan, kemitraan, dukungan dan penelitian
lebih lanjut.
ABSTRACTThe objective of this study was to assess factors related to utilization of early
integrated health service post/posyandu in the area of Puskesmas Bambanglipuro.
Cross-sectional design and interview with questionnaires was used on 180 elderly
that was selected by multistage random sampling. This study showed that 73,3%
elderly people use the elderly posyandu. Sex (p=0.004), knowledge (p=0.001),
attitude (p=0.001), availability of posyandu (p=0.001), distance (p=0.012), family
support (p=0.001), the role of health worker (p=0.001), attitude of health worker
(p=0,011), the role of cadre (p=0.001), attitude of cadre (p=0.010) and need
(p=0.001) related to the usage of elderly posyandu. Based on the result above,
socialization of posyandu lansia should be increased, beside to improve the capability
of personel and facilities of elderly posyandu and give the reward to the cadre.