Although iron is the most abundant element ¡n the universe , anemia is still the most prevalent nutritional disorders worldwide including in Indonesia. Among other approaches of combating iron deficiency anemia, iron supplementation is known to be the simplest and most effective way in improving iron status. This study is aimed to investigate the effect of iron supplementation given during menstruation as compared with weekly administration using the same dosage and number of iron tablets.
The findings of this study are reported in three parts. Part I contains introduction which consists of background, problem statement and rationale, literature review, causal model, hypotheses, objectives, variables and indicators. This part supports the idea of the study. Manuscript for publication that covers main methods and findings of this study ¡s presented in part Il. The last part is appendices which comprise questionnaires, detailed methodology, detailed results, informed consent and ethical approval, references, Asia Pacific Journal of Chnical Nutrition?s guidelines for contributors, and curriculum vitae.