The technical capability of IRS-P6 satellite remote sensing system i.e. the satellite system and its sensors, the data characteristics and the data product types, and also the data application was studied based on the current literatures or informations. The study results can be used as considerations tool in the alternative data to replace the ETM plus LANDSAT data in SLC OFF condition. The result also can be used as a consideration in the development of LAPAN REMOTE SENSING GROUND STATION FOR THE CONTINUITY OF REMOTE SENSING DATA SERVICE IN iNDONESIA AND ALSO TO SOLVE THE etm plus LANDSAT in SLC OFF condition. The study results among others are the technical capability of IRS-P6 satellite system and its sensors i.e: LISS III, LISS IV and AWIFS, the data characteristics, the dsata product types and also the main data application. Another result showed that the LISS III IRS-P6 data can be used to replace the ETM plus LANDSAT data in SLF OFF condition based on the capability of the IRS-P6 sensors or the data ie : spectral resolution, spatial resolution, radiometric resolution, temporal resolution and also the data swath ; however the thermal band spectral is not exist to replace the ETM plus LANDSAT. The considerations or the advantages in the use each of IRS-P6 (LISS III, LISS IV, AWiFS) data for various applications is also presented in this paper.