Osteoporosis is a silent disease, i.e. the disease will progress without symptoms or pain until bones start to break. Densitometry examinations to diagnose osteoporosis is relatively expensive for most people in Indonesia. Kusdhany et al have produced a mandibular density index specific for Deutero-Malay postmenopausal women (POSTUR-P). This index can be used to predict osteoporosis risk in mandibular and other bones. The objective of this research was to try out POSTUR-P before using it in the community. The study was a diagnostic test, on 31 Teratai clinic postmenopausal patients of Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital between 50-75 years of age from June to October 2014 and fulfilling inclusion criteria. Densitometry on lumbal and femur bones was used as a gold standard. The result of this study showed that POSTUR-P has high sensitivity and moderate specificity, and appears to be a good screening tool to indicate osteoporosis cases.