Nowadays. in the deveropment of materials and medicaments one must not only consider the strength or functional aspect, but also its biocompatibility. The bio-compatibility of materials and medicaments is one of the main requirements to be considered in treating a patient. The non-toxic effect of a material or medicament is a strict condition as being biocompatible. Almost all dental treatment involve the use of materials and medicament, of which the basic substances are composed from chemical compounds. The use of chemical substances in the human body can give benefits or cause harm. Toxicity is one of the adverse effects of chemical compounds on living organism. It is then becoming a problem that there are materials and medicaments which chemically are harmful but still used in dentistry, as there are no other alternatives. In this situation, the best way for dentists to give a save treatment is to get a deeper insight into the biocompatibility of materials and medicaments in dentistry.;Indonesian Journal of Dentistry 2006; Edisi Khusus KPPIKG XIV: 144-147;Indonesian Journal of Dentistry 2006; Edisi Khusus KPPIKG XIV: 144-147