ABSTRAKThe rubra variety of Alpina galanga rhizoma extract were compatible to the fibroblast tissue, non toxic, and potent in inhibiting Candida albicans growth. The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of the rubra variety of Alpina galanga rhizome extract as a treatment to oral candidosis. The patients involved in this study were 20 diabetic patients, men and woman. There were sixteen patients showed white patches or flecks on the tongue surface. After clinical examination, a direct smear was made and there were mass of candidal hyphae on Periodic Acid Schiff staining. For patient comfort, the extract of Alpinia galanga 30% was prepared as a cream in a tube. The cream was used topically on the fleck, 4-5 times daily for 14 days. In case of the flecks persisted, the treatment was continued to 21 days. Mc Nemar test showed a significant difference between the group before and after treatment (p<0,05). It was concluded that 30% rubra variety of Alpina galanga rhizome extract could be used as an alternative treatment for oral candidosis.