This study's aims were (a) to investigate the feasibility of a school-based motivational enhancement therapy (MET) intervention in voluntarily attracting adolescents who smoke marijuana regularly but who are not seeking formal treatment and (b) to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention in reducing marijuana use. Ninety-seven adolescents who had used marijuana at least 9 times in the past month were randomly assigned to either an immediate 2-session MET intervention or to a 3-month delay condition. Two thirds of the sample characterized themselves as in the precontemplation or contemplation stages of change regarding marijuana use. Participants' marijuana use and associated negative consequences were assessed at baseline and at a 3-month follow-up. Analyses revealed that both groups significantly reduced marijuana use at the 3-month follow-up ( p = .001); however, no between-group differences were observed. Despite the absence of a clear effect of MET, this study demonstrated that adolescents could be attracted to participate in a voluntary marijuana intervention that holds promise for reducing problematic levels of marijuana use.