Sepsis merupakan kondisi yang sulit untuk didiagnosis. Definisi sepsis berdasarkan International Consensus Conference on Pediatric Sepsis 2005 terlalu sensitif dan tidak spesifik. Akibatnya sering terjadi underdiagnosed/overdiagnosis terhadap sepsis. Sampai saat ini tidak ada data tentang karakteristik pasien sepsis, kepatuhan diagnosis berdasarkan konsensus yang disepakati, dan luaran sepsis pasien di PICU. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik sepsis di PICU RS dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif retrospektif dari data rekam medis pasien sepsis di PICU periode Januari 2012 sampai April 2016. Didapatkan 85 pasien yang didiagnosis dokter dengan sepsis, 7 pasien diantaranya tidak memenuhi kriteria konsensus. Hanya 1 pasien yang didiagnosis sepsis berat oleh dokter, sedangkan berdasarkan konsensus didapatkan 66 pasien sepsis berat. Infeksi respiratorik adalah penyakit primer penyebab sepsis di PICU (51,3%). Angka kejadian sepsis berat di PICU sebesar 85% dan syok septik 70%. Klebsiella pneumonia kuman gram negatif terbanyak penyebab sepsis (22%). Angka kematian sepsis sebesar 29%, pada sepsis berat 32% dan meningkat pada syok septik 37%. Penelitian ini menunjukkan kepatuhan diagnosis sepsis oleh dokter berdasarkan konsensus masih kurang. Diagnosis sepsis pasien di PICU berdasarkan kadar prokalsitonin yang meningkat.
Sepsis is a condition that is difficult to diagnose. Definition of sepsis based on the International Consensus Conference on Pediatric Sepsis 2005 is too sensitive and not specific. As a result underdiagnosed/overdiagnosis often occurs in sepsis. Until now there are no data on the characteristics of sepsis patients, compliance to diagnosis based on consensus, and the outcome of sepsis patients in PICU. The aim of this study is to determine the characteristic features of sepsis in PICU of dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. The methods is descriptive retrospective study from medical records of sepsis patients in PICU from January 2012 until April 2016. There were 85 patients diagnosed with sepsis by physicians, 7 of them did not meet the criteria of consensus. Only one severe sepsis patients diagnosed by a doctor, but based on the consensus, there are 66 patients with severe sepsis. Respiratory infections are the primary cause of sepsis (51.3%). The incidence of severe sepsis in PICU is 85% and of septic shock is 70%. Klebsiella pneumonia, Gram negative bacteria, is the most common cause of sepsis (22%). Sepsis mortality rate is 29%, severe sepsis is 32% and increased in septic shock by 37%. This study describes compliance of diagnosis of sepsis by doctor based on consensus is still lacking. The diagnosis of sepsis patients in PICU based on increased levels of procalcitonin.