ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh tekanan panas
terhadap fisiologis dan psikologis pekerja di PT XYZ Tahun 2016. Unit
usaha utama PT XYZ yakni part otomotif dengan kegiatan press & welding.
Respon fisiologis pekerja welding terhadap tekanan panas yakni peningkatan
suhu, denyut nadi dan perubahan nilai berat jenis urine. Nilai Indeks tekanan
panas dengan ISBB melebihi nilai ambang. Nilai Indeks Thermal Work Limit
berada pada area tidak berbahaya. Analisis data dengan uji t dependent dan
independent, didapatkan nilai p< 0,005. Keluhan subyektif pekerja welding
sebagai respon psikologis. Yakni adanya rasa haus, kulit berkeringat/lembab,
adanya biang keringat, kejang/kram otot selaras dengan hasil pengukuran
yakni adanya peningkatan denyut nadi, suhu dan berat jenis urin
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to analyze the effect of heat stress on the
physiological and psychological workers at PT XYZ Year 2016. The business
unit of PT XYZ namely automotive parts with the activities of the press and
welding. Welding worker's physiological response to heat stress that an
increase in temperature, pulse and urine specific gravity value changes. Heat
stress index value with WBGT exceeds the threshold value. Thermal Work
Limit Value Index is in the area is not dangerous. Data were analyzed by
dependent and independent t test, p value <0.005. Subjective complaints of
workers welding as a psychological response. Namely their thirst, skin sweat
/ moisture, their prickly heat, cramps / muscle cramps in tune with the
measurement results to an increase in pulse rate, temperature and specific
gravity of urine.