Fenomena yang menarik di PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero), yaitu tingkat kepuasan dan engagement karyawan laut lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan karyawan darat, tetapi tingkat turnover karyawan laut lebih tinggi. Berbagai penelitian terdahulu menyatakan bahwa semakin tinggi employee engagement dan kepuasan kerja karyawan, maka semakin rendah tingkat turnover karyawan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh employee engagement terhadap kepuasan kerja dan turnover intention, serta pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap turnover intention karyawan laut di PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner terhadap 661 responden menggunakan teknik Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dalam pengelolaan data dan pengujian hipotesis.
Hasil penelitian ini mengkonfirmasi data empiris bahwa (1) employee engagement berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja. (2) Kepuasan kerja berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap turnover intention. Sedangkan (3) employee engagement tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap turnover intention.
The interesting phenomenon at PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero), the level of employee satisfaction and engagement seafarer is higher than onshore employees, but seafarer turnover lavel is higher. Various previous studies represent that more higher level employee engagement and employee satisfaction, then can getting lower the employee turnover.This study aimed to analyze the effect of employee engagement on job satisfaction and turnover intention, as well as the effect of job satisfaction on employee turnover intention seafarer at PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero). This research is quantitative with data collecting questionnaires as much as 661 respondents, and process of data and hypothesis testing using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).The results of this study confirm the empirical data that (1) employee engagement is significant positive effect on job satisfaction. (2) Job satisfaction is significant negative effect on turnover intention. While (3) employee engagement is not significant effect on turnover intention.