ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas tentang anak autis yang mengalami permasalahan pada
penerimaan dan pemrosesan integrasi sensori. Permasalahan ini dapat di-treatment
dengan penyesuaian pada pengalaman sensori dan integrasinya melalui aspek
arsitektural berupa penyesuaian atribut sensori dan narasi sequence. Penanganan ini
juga dapat dilakukan melalui game komputer. Skripsi ini menganalisis game Rufus
Goes to School dan keterkaitan aspek arsitektural tersebut dengan ruang game. Atribut
sensori visual hadir melalui representasi game komputer dengan treatment sensori
secara spesifik. Sedangkan narasi sequence diciptakan dari sifat yang muncul dalam
assigned qualities yaitu pengoperasian ruang game dan elemen game sebagai
penanaman adaptasi terhadap karakter repetitif dari anak autis
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the autistic child who had problems with sensory processing and
integration. This problem can be treated with sensory experience and integration with
architectural aspects such as adjustment of sensory attributes and narrative sequences.
The teratment can be conducted through computer games. This thesis analyzes the
game Rufus Goes to School by exploring the architectural aspects in the game space.
Visual sensory attributes are present through representation of computer games with
sensory specific treatment. While the narrative sequence is present in the characters
that appear in the assigned qualities, namely the operation of gaming space and
elements of the game as a learning treatment for adaptation to repetitive character of
children with autism.