ABSTRAKGaya hidup memberikan pengaruh terhadap kejadian obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), diantaranya kebiasaan merokok, mengonsumsi kafein dan obesitas. Apabila kejadian OSA tidak ditangani, maka penderita OSA dapat mengalami tekanan darah tinggi, irama jantung ireguler, serangan jantung, stroke hingga gagal jantung. Penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat gambaran gaya hidup terhadap kemungkinan kejadian obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) ini menggunakan desain deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional terhadap 63 responden yang berada di komunitas. Hasil penelitian sebanyak 46 warga (73,01%) mengalami kemungkinan kejadian OSA dan 17 warga (26,98%) tidak mengalami kemungkinan kejadian OSA. Berdasarkan kebiasaan yang dijalani, sebagian besar warga (36,95%) mengalami kemungkinan OSA dengan kebiasaan mengonsumsi kafein serta obesitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat agar menghindari faktor-faktor yang dapat menimbulkan terjadinya OSA.
ABSTRACTLifestyle such as smoking habits, consumption of caffeine, and obesity, are influencing to occurrence of an obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) event. When OSA event is not well taken care of, then person with OSA can suffer to multiple health problems i.e high blood pressure, irregular heart beat, heart attack, stroke and heart failure. This study aimed to describe illustration of lifestyle that may lead to the possibility of obstructive sleep apnea occurrences. It was using a descriptive design with cross-sectional study toward 63 respondents in community. The result showed that 46 respondents (73,01%) have positive possibility of having OSA and 17 respondents (26,98%) have negative signs. Referring to types of habit, 36,95% respondents with caffeine-consumption and obesity have showed positive possibility of having OSA. Based on the findings, this study is expected to be able to increase people's awareness to avoid factors that may lead to the occurrence of OSA.