A smile is not the movement of the lips without meaning. A smile is a facial expression that shows interest in things that make us love seeing it So a smile shows an expression, may it be happiness, satisfaction, joy or love towards something. Library services need a good interaction between users and librarians, one of these interactions through non verbal communication is smiling. This research was conducted as librarians found it difficult to smile for some reasons. Smile is done only at certaintimes. A smiling librarian will make other librarians and library users respond with a smile too, so there will be a positive interaction, with a conducive atmosphere. But there are various kinds of smile; cynical smile, the seductive smile, stoic smile and sincere smile. A sincere smile is hard to do, therefore it requires a method or trainingfor someone to get accustomed to a smile. First, look in the mirror. Two, smile in the family. Three, smile training using a Chopstick. Four, use "Grin-O-Meter". The library should prioritize a smile training programme. In the end, a smile can be familiarized in the service of every library in Indonesia