[Skripsi ini mencoba mengkaji mengenai jaminan perlindungan yang diberikan oleh Asuransi Tanggung Gugat D&O terhadap direksi, khususnya dalam jaminan perlindungan akan tanggung jawab pribadi direksi. Gugatan terhadap direksi dalam kapasitasnya sebagai organ perusahaan dalam menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya adalah bervariatif. Dalam perlindungan yang diberikan oleh asuransi tanggung gugat terhadap direksi, perlu ditelaah akan jaminan dan pengecualian perlindungan terhadap direksi. Penulis juga membahas mengenai studi kasus akan direksi yang bertanggung jawab secara pribadi dan apakah asuransi dapat memberikan perlindungan terhadap gugatan dan putusan gugatan yang menyangkut tanggung jawab pribadi direksi.
;This thesis reviews the coverage given by D&O Insurance towards directors, specifically on the personal liability of directors. Civil lawsuits towards directors as one of the organs of the company in conducting their tasks and accountabilities are varied. In the coverage given by the D&O Insurance towards directors, we need to assess the coverage and exclusions. Author also discusses a sample case of directors being personally liable in a suit or verdict regarding the personal liability of directors.
;This thesis reviews the coverage given by D&O Insurance towards directors, specifically on the personal liability of directors. Civil lawsuits towards directors as one of the organs of the company in conducting their tasks and accountabilities are varied. In the coverage given by the D&O Insurance towards directors, we need to assess the coverage and exclusions. Author also discusses a sample case of directors being personally liable in a suit or verdict regarding the personal liability of directors.
;This thesis reviews the coverage given by D&O Insurance towards directors, specifically on the personal liability of directors. Civil lawsuits towards directors as one of the organs of the company in conducting their tasks and accountabilities are varied. In the coverage given by the D&O Insurance towards directors, we need to assess the coverage and exclusions. Author also discusses a sample case of directors being personally liable in a suit or verdict regarding the personal liability of directors.
, This thesis reviews the coverage given by D&O Insurance towards directors, specifically on the personal liability of directors. Civil lawsuits towards directors as one of the organs of the company in conducting their tasks and accountabilities are varied. In the coverage given by the D&O Insurance towards directors, we need to assess the coverage and exclusions. Author also discusses a sample case of directors being personally liable in a suit or verdict regarding the personal liability of directors.