ABSTRAKIndustri pariwisata di Indonesia merupakan salah satu industri yang paling berkembang serta menjadi salah satu sektor penyumbang devisa negara terbesar. Pada skripsi ini membahas tentang bagaimana pelaku bisnis dapat meningkatkan loyalitas serta dapat me-recall kembali tempat wisata tersebut terutama jenis wisata adventure tourism. Hal ini diukur dari pengalaman pelanggan mengunakan 4 elemen experience economy yang terdiri dari education, entertainment, escapism serta esthetic. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa customer loyalty dapat dipengaruhi oleh education dan esthetic sedangkan untuk dapat me-recall kembali (mempengaruhi memori konsumen) dapat dipengaruhi oleh entertainment dan esthetic. Sehingga bagi pelaku bisnis wisata petualangan (Adventure tourism) harus lebih fokus dalam memberikan pengetahuan-pengetahuan serta hiburan selama kunjungan pelanggan serta menjaga kelestarian tempat wisata tersebut agar terus dapat dinikmati oleh pelanggannya.
ABSTRACTThe tourism industry in Indonesia is one of the most thriving industries and sectors to be one of the largest contributors of foreign exchange. In this thesis discusses how businesses can increase loyalty and can recall back tourist destinations, especially kinds of adventure tourism tour. It is measured from the customer experience using 4 elements experience economy consisting of education, entertainment, escapism and esthetic. This research uses descriptive research design. The results showed that customer loyalty can be influenced by education and esthetic while to recall back (memory affect consumers) can be influenced by the entertainment and esthetic. So for adventure tourism businesses (Adventure tourism) should be more focused on delivering knowledge-knowledge as well as entertainment during customer visits and preserve the tourist attractions that continue to be enjoyed by customers.
, The tourism industry in Indonesia is one of the most thriving industries and sectors to be one of the largest contributors of foreign exchange. In this thesis discusses how businesses can increase loyalty and can recall back tourist destinations, especially kinds of adventure tourism tour. It is measured from the customer experience using 4 elements experience economy consisting of education, entertainment, escapism and esthetic. This research uses descriptive research design. The results showed that customer loyalty can be influenced by education and esthetic while to recall back (memory affect consumers) can be influenced by the entertainment and esthetic. So for adventure tourism businesses (Adventure tourism) should be more focused on delivering knowledge-knowledge as well as entertainment during customer visits and preserve the tourist attractions that continue to be enjoyed by customers.