ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan usulan rencana respon risiko dengan indeks EVM untuk mengurangi keterlambatan waktu penyelesaian proyek jembatan di perusahaan konstruksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan identifikasi dan analisis risiko serta simulasi risiko dengan simulasi Monte Carlo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 10 risiko terkait waktu dengan 5 risiko tinggi, 1 risiko sedang-tinggi dan 4 risiko rendah. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan proyek terlambat dan melebihi anggaran biaya dengan indeks EVM untuk CPI dan SPI bernilai kurang dari satu. Indeks EVM digunakan untuk menentukan respon risiko. Respon risiko berbasis indeks EVM yang dilakukan adalah pengurangan risiko secara agresif melalui mitigasi risiko.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to propose a risk response plan with EVM index to reduce delay time of completion of the brigde project on construction company. This study uses the identification and analysis of risks and risk simulations with Monte Carlo simulation. The results showed that there are 10 risk with 5 high risk, 1 medium-high risk and 4 low risk. The simulation results show the project is late and over budget by EVM index for the CPI and SPI worth less than one. EVM indices used to determine risk response. EVM index-based risk response is carried out aggressive risk reduction through risk mitigation., This study aims to propose a risk response plan with EVM index to reduce delay time of completion of the brigde project on construction company. This study uses the identification and analysis of risks and risk simulations with Monte Carlo simulation. The results showed that there are 10 risk with 5 high risk, 1 medium-high risk and 4 low risk. The simulation results show the project is late and over budget by EVM index for the CPI and SPI worth less than one. EVM indices used to determine risk response. EVM index-based risk response is carried out aggressive risk reduction through risk mitigation.]