Proverb is a branch of literacy art in in the oral cultures in the world, be presence of proverbs can also be envisaged in the Malay and Indian cultures. Proverbs come from observations of the community on natural phenomena, which are loaded with unique design and beauty of the explicit and implicit meaning. Therefore this research is to identify the similarities of social aspects in Malay proverbs and tamil proverbs by suing the sapir-whorf hypothesis (1912). Sapir-whorf hypothesis reveals the relationship between language, culture and human thoughts. In the order words, feedback or through and actions of a person depends on the structure and vocabulary of the language that he used to think and respond to something. They interact with the environment through the disclosure of the elements of flora and fauna which are part of their lives, particularly those involving work and behavior, thinking and values. These are three elements manipulated so that they can effectively convey the message and build the image of a strong and sustainable culture.