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UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Perbedaan prevalensi infeksi helicobacter pylori antara etnis Tionghoa dan Dayak dengan sindrom dispepsia = The differences in prevalence of helicobacter pylori infection between Chinese and Dayaknese with dyspeptic syndrome

Willy Brodus Uwan; Ari Fahrial Syam, supervisor; Cosmas Rinaldi A Lesmana, supervisor; Rumende, Cleopas Martin, supervisor; Dadang Makmun, examiner; E. Mudjaddid, examiner; Herry Djagat Purnomo, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2015)


Latar Belakang : Risiko infeksi Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) dikaitkan dengan
banyak faktor yang terkait dengan pejamu-agen-lingkungan. Etnis adalah salah
satu faktor dari pejamu yang banyak diteliti di luar negeri. Prevalensi infeksi
H.pylori didapatkan lebih tinggi pada etnis tertentu seperti misalnya di China.
Berdasarkan teori Migrasi dan teori Transmisi diduga infeksi H.pylori akan
dibawa oleh penduduk yang bermigrasi dari daerah dengan prevalensi tinggi ke
tempat tujuan migrasi. Etnis Tionghoa di Kalimantan Barat berasal dari daerah
China Selatan dimana prevalensi infeksi H.pylori tinggi. Diperkirakan ada
perbedaan angka prevalensi infeksi H.pylori pada etnis Tionghoa dibandingkan
pada etnis asli Kalimantan Barat, yaitu etnis Dayak.
Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui perbedaan angka prevalensi, karakteristik
epidemiologis dan gambaran hasil pemeriksaan endoskopi pada subjek etnis
Tionghoa dan Dayak dengan sindrom dispepsia.
Metode : Penelitian ini adalah studi potong lintang untuk mengetahui perbedaan
angka prevalensi infeksi H.pylori. Penelitian dilakukan di RSU Santo Antonius
Pontianak dari bulan Desember 2014 sampai Juni 2015 dengan metode
pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling. Angka prevalensi infeksi
H.pylori disajikan dalam angka persentase, sedangkan perbedaan karakteristik
epidemiologis dan perbedaan gambaran hasil pemeriksaan endoskopi pada etnis
Tionghoa dan Dayak dianalisis dengan analisis bivariat menggunakan chi-square
dengan tingkat kemaknaan (p) = 0,05.
Hasil : Dari 203 subjek yang diteliti, terdiri dari 102 subjek etnis Tionghoa dan
101 subjek etnis Dayak didapatkan angka prevalensi H.pylori sebesar 40,8%.
Prevalensi pada etnis Tionghoa didapatkan lebih tinggi dibanding etnis Dayak,
berturut-turut sebesar 48,0% dan 33,7%. Tidak ada perbedaan karakteristik
epidemiologis dan temuan hasil pemeriksaan endoskopi pada kedua kelompok
Simpulan : Terdapat perbedaan angka prevalensi infeksi H.pylori pada etnis
Tionghoa (48,0%) dibanding etnis Dayak (33,7%). Tidak ada perbedaan
karakteristik epidemiologis dan gambaran hasil pemeriksaan endoskopi pada
kedua kelompok etnis.

Background : Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection risk is associated with
many factors related to host-agent-environment matter. Ethnicity is one of the host
factors which was the most studied factor overseas. The prevalence of H. pylori
infection was found higher in certain ethnic such among Chinese. Based on
migration and transmission theory, it was suspected that H. pylori infection were
transmitted by people migrating from areas with a high prevalence of infection to
the destination area. Chinese in West Borneo are originated from South China
region where the prevalence of H. pylori infection is high. It is estimated that
there are differences in the prevalence of H. pylori infection among Chinese
compared to the native people of West Borneo, the Dayaknese.
Objective: To determine the differences in the prevalence, epidemiological
characteristics and endoscopic finding between Chinese and Dayaknese with
dyspeptic syndrome.
Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study to determine the differences in
the prevalence of H. pylori infection. The study was conducted at St. Antonius
General Hospital Pontianak from December 2014 to June 2015 with consecutive
sampling method. H.pylori infection prevalence is presented in percentage
numbers, while the epidemiological characteristics and endoscopic finding
differences among Chinese and Dayaknese were analyzed by bivariate analysis
using the chi-square with significance value (p) = 0.05.
Results : From a total of 203 subjects in this study, consisted of 102 Chinese
subjects and 101 Dayaknese subjects, the prevalence of H.pylori infection was
40.8%. The prevalence among Chinese is higher than Dayaknese, which is 48.0%
and 33.7%, respectively. There is no difference in the epidemiological
characteristics and endoscopic findings in both ethnic groups.
Conclusions : The prevalence of H. pylori infection among the Chinese (48.0%)
is higher than among Dayaknese (33.7%). There is no difference in the
epidemiological characteristics and endoscopic finding among both ethnic groups.;Background : Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection risk is associated with
many factors related to host-agent-environment matter. Ethnicity is one of the host
factors which was the most studied factor overseas. The prevalence of H. pylori
infection was found higher in certain ethnic such among Chinese. Based on
migration and transmission theory, it was suspected that H. pylori infection were
transmitted by people migrating from areas with a high prevalence of infection to
the destination area. Chinese in West Borneo are originated from South China
region where the prevalence of H. pylori infection is high. It is estimated that
there are differences in the prevalence of H. pylori infection among Chinese
compared to the native people of West Borneo, the Dayaknese.
Objective: To determine the differences in the prevalence, epidemiological
characteristics and endoscopic finding between Chinese and Dayaknese with
dyspeptic syndrome.
Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study to determine the differences in
the prevalence of H. pylori infection. The study was conducted at St. Antonius
General Hospital Pontianak from December 2014 to June 2015 with consecutive
sampling method. H.pylori infection prevalence is presented in percentage
numbers, while the epidemiological characteristics and endoscopic finding
differences among Chinese and Dayaknese were analyzed by bivariate analysis
using the chi-square with significance value (p) = 0.05.
Results : From a total of 203 subjects in this study, consisted of 102 Chinese
subjects and 101 Dayaknese subjects, the prevalence of H.pylori infection was
40.8%. The prevalence among Chinese is higher than Dayaknese, which is 48.0%
and 33.7%, respectively. There is no difference in the epidemiological
characteristics and endoscopic findings in both ethnic groups.
Conclusions : The prevalence of H. pylori infection among the Chinese (48.0%)
is higher than among Dayaknese (33.7%). There is no difference in the
epidemiological characteristics and endoscopic finding among both ethnic groups.;Background : Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection risk is associated with
many factors related to host-agent-environment matter. Ethnicity is one of the host
factors which was the most studied factor overseas. The prevalence of H. pylori
infection was found higher in certain ethnic such among Chinese. Based on
migration and transmission theory, it was suspected that H. pylori infection were
transmitted by people migrating from areas with a high prevalence of infection to
the destination area. Chinese in West Borneo are originated from South China
region where the prevalence of H. pylori infection is high. It is estimated that
there are differences in the prevalence of H. pylori infection among Chinese
compared to the native people of West Borneo, the Dayaknese.
Objective: To determine the differences in the prevalence, epidemiological
characteristics and endoscopic finding between Chinese and Dayaknese with
dyspeptic syndrome.
Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study to determine the differences in
the prevalence of H. pylori infection. The study was conducted at St. Antonius
General Hospital Pontianak from December 2014 to June 2015 with consecutive
sampling method. H.pylori infection prevalence is presented in percentage
numbers, while the epidemiological characteristics and endoscopic finding
differences among Chinese and Dayaknese were analyzed by bivariate analysis
using the chi-square with significance value (p) = 0.05.
Results : From a total of 203 subjects in this study, consisted of 102 Chinese
subjects and 101 Dayaknese subjects, the prevalence of H.pylori infection was
40.8%. The prevalence among Chinese is higher than Dayaknese, which is 48.0%
and 33.7%, respectively. There is no difference in the epidemiological
characteristics and endoscopic findings in both ethnic groups.
Conclusions : The prevalence of H. pylori infection among the Chinese (48.0%)
is higher than among Dayaknese (33.7%). There is no difference in the
epidemiological characteristics and endoscopic finding among both ethnic groups., Background : Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection risk is associated with
many factors related to host-agent-environment matter. Ethnicity is one of the host
factors which was the most studied factor overseas. The prevalence of H. pylori
infection was found higher in certain ethnic such among Chinese. Based on
migration and transmission theory, it was suspected that H. pylori infection were
transmitted by people migrating from areas with a high prevalence of infection to
the destination area. Chinese in West Borneo are originated from South China
region where the prevalence of H. pylori infection is high. It is estimated that
there are differences in the prevalence of H. pylori infection among Chinese
compared to the native people of West Borneo, the Dayaknese.
Objective: To determine the differences in the prevalence, epidemiological
characteristics and endoscopic finding between Chinese and Dayaknese with
dyspeptic syndrome.
Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study to determine the differences in
the prevalence of H. pylori infection. The study was conducted at St. Antonius
General Hospital Pontianak from December 2014 to June 2015 with consecutive
sampling method. H.pylori infection prevalence is presented in percentage
numbers, while the epidemiological characteristics and endoscopic finding
differences among Chinese and Dayaknese were analyzed by bivariate analysis
using the chi-square with significance value (p) = 0.05.
Results : From a total of 203 subjects in this study, consisted of 102 Chinese
subjects and 101 Dayaknese subjects, the prevalence of H.pylori infection was
40.8%. The prevalence among Chinese is higher than Dayaknese, which is 48.0%
and 33.7%, respectively. There is no difference in the epidemiological
characteristics and endoscopic findings in both ethnic groups.
Conclusions : The prevalence of H. pylori infection among the Chinese (48.0%)
is higher than among Dayaknese (33.7%). There is no difference in the
epidemiological characteristics and endoscopic finding among both ethnic groups.]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T-Pdf
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2015
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer ;
Tipe Carrier : online resource ;
Deskripsi Fisik : xx, 86 pages : illustration ; 28 cm. + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
  • Ketersediaan
  • Ulasan
  • Sampul
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T-Pdf 15-18-439485791 TERSEDIA
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