Tesis ini membahas pengaruh country of origin, product quality, dan self-congruity terhadap repurchase intention konsumen kendaraan LCGC Indonesia. Peneliti juga meneliti apakah terdapat moderasi dari self-congruity terhadap pengaruh country of origin dan product quality terhadap repurchase intention konsumen kendaraan LCGC Indonesia. Dari hasil penelitian, peneliti menyarankan kepada produsen kendaraan LCGC untuk mengubah strategi pemasaran mereka, dan mengubah image pengguna LCGC untuk dapat meningkatkan penjualan kendaraan LCGC. Peneliti juga telah memberikan saran untuk penelitian berikutnya untuk mengingkatkan kualitas dari penelitian terhadap repurchase intention konsumen kendaraan LCGC Indonesia.
This thesis discusses the influence of country of origin, product quality, and self-congruity consumer intention to repurchase the vehicle LCGC Indonesia. Researcher wants to know which factors that most affecting the consumer intention to repurchase the LCGC vehicle Indonesia. From the results of the study, the researcher suggests the LCGC vehicle manufacturers to change their marketing strategies, and change the image of LCGC users to be able to increase vehicle sales LCGC. Researchers have also provided suggestions for subsequent research to remind the quality of research on repurchase intention vehicle LCGC Indonesian consumers.