Secara keseluruhan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor-faktor pembentuk purchase intention yang dilihat dari sisi personal individu (seperti attitude toward purchase intention, health consciousness) serta sisi eksternal individu (seperti collectivism, subjective norm). Penelitian ini dilakukan dilakukan secara online dan offline, dimana pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan kriteria responden yang belum pernah membeli dan/atau mengkonsumsi beras organik. Analisa data menggunakan WarpPLS 5.0 untuk melakukan uji hipotesa. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengindikasikan tidak semua variable yang membentuk purchase intention memiliki cukup bukti untuk secara signifikan mempengaruhi variable tersebut. Tidak seperti Collectivism dan Social Information, terdapat cukup bukti bagi Health Consciousness, Environmental Visibilities, serta variable yang tersisa dari variable pembentuk Theory of Planned Behavior dalam membentuk konstruk purchase intention.
In general, the purpose of this research was to determine the effect of several factors that believed to able to construct purchase intention variable based on two different view: personal factors (i.e. attitude toward purchase intention, health consciousness) and the external factors of an individual (i.e. collectivism, subjective norm). This research was conducted both offline and online, by using questionnaire as gathering instrument with particular characteristic for the respondent, where the valid respondent of the research must be the one who never ate and/or bought organic rice in his/her life. WarpPLS 5.0 was used for data analysis and hypothesis testing. This research found that not every variable in this research provided enough data and evidence in order to say they significantly affected purchase intention. Unlike health consciousness and Social information who unsignificantly affected purchase intention; health consciousness, environmental visibilities and the rest variables from Theory of Planned Behavior were proved in significantly affected purchase intention.