[Kasus TB paru di Indonesia masih tinggi, dan salah satu propinsi itu adalah DKI Jakarta.Kasus TB paru di DKI Jakarta masih perlu mendapatkan perhatian salah satunya pendekatan Progran CEPAT LKNU ini. Adanya program CEPAT LKNU ini, peneliti ingin melihat bagaimana pencapaian target dari komponen kegiatan yang telah ditetapkan oleh LKNU. Pencapaian hasil yang belum sesuai dengan target yang
ditentukan perlu adanya pendekatan yang lebih komprehensif. Sumber daya manusia yang menjalankan program perlu mendapat perhatian baik dari pengetahuan maupun keterampilan yang dimiliki. Keterlibatan pihak terkait juga menjadi kunci untuk mendukung terbentuknya partisipasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam program CEPAT LKNU ini.;Pulmonary TB cases in Indonesia is still high, and one of the province is the city Jakarta. Pulmonary TB cases in Jakarta still need to get the attention of one of them approach this program as CEPAT LKNU. CEPAT LKNU program, the researchers wanted to see how the achievement of the targets of the components of activities that have been set by LKNU. The achievement of results not in accordance with the specified target is need for a more comprehensive approach. Human resources run the program require attention both from the knowledge and skills possessed. The involvement of stakeholders is also a key to support the establishment of community participation and empowerment in this CEPAT LKNU program, Pulmonary TB cases in Indonesia is still high, and one of the province is the city
Jakarta. Pulmonary TB cases in Jakarta still need to get the attention of one of them
approach this program as CEPAT LKNU. CEPAT LKNU program, the researchers
wanted to see how the achievement of the targets of the components of activities that
have been set by LKNU. The achievement of results not in accordance with the
specified target is need for a more comprehensive approach. Human resources run the
program require attention both from the knowledge and skills possessed. The
involvement of stakeholders is also a key to support the establishment of community
participation and empowerment in this CEPAT LKNU program]