Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik perawat dengan kepuasan kerja Instalasi Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Tk.II Moh. Ridwan Meuraksa. Jenis penelitian ini kuantitatif dengan metode cross sectional menggunakan kuesioner. Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Tk.II MOh. Ridwan Meuraksa pada bulan Mei 2015 dengan sampel berjumlah 77 orang. Analisis hubungan menggunakan uji fisher exact dan regresi logistik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gaji, hubungan teman kerja, persepsi, kebijakan mempunyai hubungan signifikan dengan kepuasan kerja perawat. Instalasi Rawat Inap RS Tk.II Moh. Ridwan Meuraksa harus memperhatikan serta meningkatkan kepuasan para perawat sehingga mutu pelayanan menjadi meningkat.
This study aims to determine the relationship between the Characteristics of nurses and job satisfaction at the Hospital Moh. Ridwan Meuraksa. This type of quantitative research with cross sectional method using questionnaires. The study was conducted at Hospital Moh. Ridwan Meuraksa in May 2015, with a sample totaling 77 nurses. Analysis of the relationship using fisher exact test and logistic regression.The results showed the part of characteristic such as salary, the relationship between nurses, perception and the last is wisdom and job satisfaction has a significant relationship. The Hospital should care and improve the nurses job satisfaction and job satisfaction in order to increase quality of service.