[Kebijakan yang didasarkan pada hubungan antar sektor (linkage) menjadi semakin populer beberapa tahun terakhir, dan kebijakan ini telah pula diterapkan di berbagai negara berkembang. Di Indonesia, pemerintah telah mengimplementasikan kebijakan pelarangan eksor mineral mentah yang didasarkan pada hubungan antar sektor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa keterkaitan antara besarnya nilai hubungan antar sektor dengan kontribusi masing-masing sektor terhadap pendapatan ekspor, penciptaan lapangan kerja, dan peningkatan nilai tambah. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sektor yang memiliki nilai hubungan antar sektor yang besar tidak selalu berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap perekonomian. Oleh sebab itu, kebijakan yg didasarkan pada hubungan antar sektor belum tentu tepat sasaran;Policies based on intersectoral input linkages have been very popular and have been implemented in many developing countries. Recently, the Government of Indonesia introduces a policy to restrict exports of unprocessed material, which is based on forward intersectoral input linkages. This essay examines the relationship of
sectors’ forward linkages to sectors’ contribution to net export earnings, employment generation and value added creation of Indonesia’s manufacturing sectors between 1995 and 2005. This study finds that industrial sector with high forward linkages not always have high contribution to the economy. Therefore, placing emphasis on forward linkage for policy making is unwarranted, Policies based on intersectoral input linkages have been very popular and have been
implemented in many developing countries. Recently, the Government of Indonesia
introduces a policy to restrict exports of unprocessed material, which is based on
forward intersectoral input linkages. This essay examines the relationship of
sectors’ forward linkages to sectors’ contribution to net export earnings,
employment generation and value added creation of Indonesia’s manufacturing
sectors between 1995 and 2005. This study finds that industrial sector with high
forward linkages not always have high contribution to the economy. Therefore,
placing emphasis on forward linkage for policy making is unwarranted]