[ Pada proyek jalan dan jembatan di DPU DKI Jakarta dari tahun 2009-2014 terjadi perubahan biaya akibat contract change order (CCO) berkisar 5% sampai 42% terhadap kontrak. Penyebab CCO antara lain perubahan spesifikasi, perubahan desain, kesalahan estimasi, dan penyelidikan geoteknis yang kurang akurat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa penyebab dan dampak risiko CCO, serta menentukan langkah pengelolaan risiko CCO. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner kepada pakar dan pihak yang berpengalaman pada proyek jalan dan jembatan. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan 27 variabel risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap CCO yang dikelompokkan menjadi aspek teknis,legal dan lingkungan. Dari analisa statistik dan analisa peringkat risiko terhadap data kuesioner responden didapatkan variabel risiko yang paling dominan dan mempunyai risk level high adalah variabel perubahan desain/perencanaan kurang matang dan kesalahan estimasi biaya dan volume pekerjaan . Salah satu cara pencegahan dan pengelolaan faktor risiko dominan tersebut adalah pengembangan SOP perencanaan dan estimasi di lingkungan DPU DKI Jakarta; On the road and bridge construction projects in Jakarta from 2009-2014 due to changes in the cost of contract change order (CCO) ranges from 5% to 42% of the contract. Cause of CCO are specification changes, changes in design, estimation error, and geotechnical investigations are less accurate . The research objective is to analyze the causes and effects of CCO and determining management of CCO. This research used questionnaires to experts and experienced people on the road and bridge project . From the results, 27 risk variables that affect the CCO are grouped into technical, legal and environmental. From the statistical analysis and risk analysis most dominant risk variables and has a high risk level is variable changes in design and cost estimation errors. Prevention and management of risk factors is development planning and estimation standard operational procedur, On the road and bridge construction projects in Jakarta from 2009-2014 due to changes in the cost of contract change order (CCO) ranges from 5% to 42% of the contract. Cause of CCO are specification changes, changes in design, estimation error, and geotechnical investigations are less accurate . The research objective is to analyze the causes and effects of CCO and determining management of CCO. This research used questionnaires to experts and experienced people on the road and bridge project . From the results, 27 risk variables that affect the CCO are grouped into technical, legal and environmental. From the statistical analysis and risk analysis most dominant risk variables and has a high risk level is variable changes in design and cost estimation errors. Prevention and management of risk factors is development planning and estimation standard operational procedur]