ABSTRAKReligiusitas adalah unsur keberagamaan yang diwujudkan dalam berbagai sisi kehidupan manusia yang diwarnai oleh nuansa kebertuhanan. Di dalam antropologi salah satu cara memeriksa pemaknaan religiusitas bagi pemeluk agama atau kepercayaan adalah melalui perhatian terhadap praktik-praktik dalam diskursus pemeluk agama atau kepercayaan tersebut. Cara ini merupakan kritik bagi antropologi intepretatif yang menyebutkan simbol agama sebagai satu- satunya wahana pemberi makna religiusitas bagi pemeluknya. Salah satu organisasi kepercayaan yang berada di Indonesia yaitu Paguyuban Sumarah menjalankan sebuah praktik spiritual guna memaknai religiusitasnya. Upaya ini melalui sujud sumarah yang diyakini oleh warganya sebagai cara guna memaknai kebersatuan manusia dengan sang pencipta (manunggal). Untuk dapat memaknai kemanunggalan tersebut di dalam praktik sujud, paguyuban sumarah melakukan latihan bersama yang diselenggarakan secara gradual. Pada latihan bersama warga diminta untuk mengikuti kaidah dan ajaran yang terdapat di dalam paguyuban guna mencapai tujuan yaitu memaknai kemanunggalan terhadap Tuhan. Di sini terlihat bahwa usaha menumbuhkan pemaknaan akan Tuhan harus di lalui dengan melaksanakan kaidah-kaidah di dalam praktik sujud guna membangun emosi keagamaan yang berfungsi membentuk struktur disposisi tubuh dan jiwa pada perilaku warga. Dalam tradisi sumarah, proses kontemplasi intelektual dan proses manunggal tak dapat dipisahkan dari latihan dalam praktik sujud sumarah.
ABSTRACTReligiosity is an element of diversity that manifested in various sides of human life which shape by shades of Godliness. In anthropology a one way to check the meaning of religiosity to religion or belief is through pay the attention to practices in their discourse of the religion or belief. This way is a criticism of interpretative anthropology which mentions religious symbols as the sole vehicle for giving significance to its adherent?s religiosity. One of the belief organization's in Indonesia, namely the Sumarah run a spiritual practice in order to make sense of religiosity. This effort through Sujud Sumarah believed by its citizens as a way to make sense of human oneness with the creator (unified). To understand the oneness in the practice of prostration, Sumarah community conduct joint exercises gradually. In the joint exercises, the residents were asked to follow the rules and teachings contained in the community in order to achieve the objectives that make sense of oneness of God. Here can see the effort to grow the meaning of God must be passed to implement the rules in the practice of sujud in order to build a functioning religious emotions form the structure of the disposition of the body and soul on the behavior of citizens. In the Sumarah tradition, intellectual contemplation process and unified process cannot be separated from the exercise in practice of Sujud Sumarah., Religiosity is an element of diversity that manifested in various sides of human life which shape by shades of Godliness. In anthropology a one way to check the meaning of religiosity to religion or belief is through pay the attention to practices in their discourse of the religion or belief. This way is a criticism of interpretative anthropology which mentions religious symbols as the sole vehicle for giving significance to its adherent’s religiosity. One of the belief organization's in Indonesia, namely the Sumarah run a spiritual practice in order to make sense of religiosity. This effort through Sujud Sumarah believed by its citizens as a way to make sense of human oneness with the creator (unified). To understand the oneness in the practice of prostration, Sumarah community conduct joint exercises gradually. In the joint exercises, the residents were asked to follow the rules and teachings contained in the community in order to achieve the objectives that make sense of oneness of God. Here can see the effort to grow the meaning of God must be passed to implement the rules in the practice of sujud in order to build a functioning religious emotions form the structure of the disposition of the body and soul on the behavior of citizens. In the Sumarah tradition, intellectual contemplation process and unified process cannot be separated from the exercise in practice of Sujud Sumarah.]