ABSTRAKHak milik atas tanah merupakan hak yang hanya dapat diperoleh oleh warga
negara Indonesia. Namun pada kasus dalam penelitian ini, terdapat sebidang tanah
hak milik yang dipegang oleh beberapa warga negara Indonesia serta oleh
beberapa warga negara asing yang sebelumnya berkebangsaan Indonesia. Tanah
tersebut diperoleh melalui peristiwa pewarisan, dan terdapat kesepakatan pada
putusan perdamaian untuk menunda pembagian tanah tersebut. Penelitian ini
adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain preskiptif. Hasil penelitian
menyarankan guna dilakukan penyelesaian melalui jalur hukum terhadap
pelanggaran putusan perdamaian; tidak menunda pembagian atas tanah hak
bersama guna meminimalisir potensi konflik; ahli waris berkebangsaan asing
sebaiknya segera mengalihkan bagian tanah hak milik yang diperoleh kepada ahli
waris berkebangsaan Indonesia. Tesis ini menyimpulkan bahwa kedudukan
hukum putusan perdamaian ialah sebagai tanda bukti ahli waris; dan dampak
keberadaan warga negara asing pada kepemilikan bersama tanah hak milik harus
ditinjau dari segi cara perolehannya dan kesepakatan yang dibuat oleh para pihak.
ABSTRACTOnly Indonesian citizens who can obtain rights land ownership in Indonesia. But
there are the rights who owned by both of Indonesian citizens and foreigners who
previously is Indonesian citizens too. They gain the rights from inheritance, and
agreed to postpone land partition, that agreement contained in some peace
verdict. This research is qualitative with prescriptive design. The researcher
suggests to doing lawsuit effort when violation to peace verdict happen; doing
partition of co-own land immediately in order to minimize potentially conflict;
and heind foreigner must give his rights section to Indonesian heind. This thesis
conclusions is legal position of peace verdict is proof of beneficiaries; and the
impact of the presence of foreigners to rights land must be reviewed from how
they get the rights land and the parties’ agreement., Only Indonesian citizens who can obtain rights land ownership in Indonesia. But
there are the rights who owned by both of Indonesian citizens and foreigners who
previously is Indonesian citizens too. They gain the rights from inheritance, and
agreed to postpone land partition, that agreement contained in some peace
verdict. This research is qualitative with prescriptive design. The researcher
suggests to doing lawsuit effort when violation to peace verdict happen; doing
partition of co-own land immediately in order to minimize potentially conflict;
and heind foreigner must give his rights section to Indonesian heind. This thesis
conclusions is legal position of peace verdict is proof of beneficiaries; and the
impact of the presence of foreigners to rights land must be reviewed from how
they get the rights land and the parties’ agreement.]