[Tesis ini membahas tentang agregator musik dan musisi/band: eksplorasi model bisnis dan kesepakatan bisnis yang dicapai dalam industri komunikasi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Proses komunikasi awal, lalu ketahap negosiasi sampai akhirnya tercapai kesepakatan bisnis dalam bentuk kontrak diantara pihak creator/musisi/band dengan agregator musik atau perusahaan penyedia konten masih menjadi cara satu-satunya dalam mencapai
kesepakatan dan dalam hal ini kesepakatan bisnis yang berdasar hukum. Cara yang mungkin dianggap masih konvensional meskipun secara model bisnis yang dijalankan oleh perusahaan penyedia konten adalah model bisnis digital yang menghasilkan produk berbentuk digital dan mendistribusikan juga secara digital;This thesis discusses aggregator music and musicians/band: the exploration of business
model and a business deal reached in communication industry. The study was qualitative research design with case studies. The study concluded the communication process which are negotiation and then a business deal with contract signing between musician/band/creator with music agregator/content provider company is the only thing
that matter to reached a law based business deal. This way assumed as a conventional way eventhough the agregator/content provider business model is digital model, which means, they produce digital format product and distribute it in a digital way too, This thesis discusses aggregator music and musicians/band: the exploration of business
model and a business deal reached in communication industry. The study was qualitative
research design with case studies. The study concluded the communication process which
are negotiation and then a business deal with contract signing between
musician/band/creator with music agregator/content provider company is the only thing
that matter to reached a law based business deal. This way assumed as a conventional
way eventhough the agregator/content provider business model is digital model, which
means, they produce digital format product and distribute it in a digital way too]