ABSTRAKLayanan jaringan komunikasi Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (ATM) sangat vital perannya dalam bisnis perbankan. ATM saat ini bukan lagi hanya merupakan layanan nilai tambah (added value service) dari perbankan retail tetapi telah menjadi kebutuhan bagi nasabah. Kehandalan dan ketersediaan infrastuktur jaringan komunikasi menjadi pondasi bagi penyampaian suatu layanan perbankan yang bersifat online sehingga failure pada jaringan komunikasi ATM menyebabkan layanan ATM tidak dapat dipergunakan (out of service). Untuk menurunkan risiko kegagalan jaringan komunikasi ATM, pada penelitian ini dibuat suatu optimasi yang dapat dijadikan acuan dalam proses perencanaan perluasan (deployment) jaringan baru untuk menurunkan risiko operasional jaringan komunikasi perbankan multi-provider.
Prinsip kerja dari optimasi yang dilakukan adalah memaksimalkan nilai harapan pencapaian service level sekaligus menurunkan tingkat risiko gangguan sentral. Optimasi dilakukan dengan memetakan provider dan jenis teknologinya di masing-masing area dengan cara yang paling efektif sehingga diharapkan dapat mencapai kinerja tertinggi. Dengan acuan data performansi jaringan komunikasi Bank X selama tahun 2014, optimasi yang dilakukan dapat menaikkan nilai harapan pencapaian service level hingga + 3,82%.
ABSTRACTCommunications network service of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) has a very vital role in the banking business. ATM today is no longer just a value-added service (value added service) of retail banking, but has become a necessity for customers. Reliability and availability of communications network infrastructure becomes the foundation for the delivery of a service that is online banking so that failure on the ATM communications network causes the ATM service can not be used (out of service). To reduce the risk of failure of the ATM communications network, in this study, an optimization designed to serve as a reference in the planning process of expansion (deployment) new network to reduce operational risk communications network on banks that have multiple providers.
The working principle of this optimization is to maximize the expected value of the achievement of service levels while lowering the risk level of the central interference. Optimization is achieved by mapping provider and the type of technology in their respective areas with the most effective ways that are expected to achieve the highest performance. With reference to the performance of data communication networks X Bank during 2014, this concept is expected can increase the value of expected value of service level to + 3.82%, Communications network service of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) has a very vital role in the banking business. ATM today is no longer just a value-added service (value added service) of retail banking, but has become a necessity for customers. Reliability and availability of communications network infrastructure becomes the foundation for the delivery of a service that is online banking so that failure on the ATM communications network causes the ATM service can not be used (out of service). To reduce the risk of failure of the ATM communications network, in this study, an optimization designed to serve as a reference in the planning process of expansion (deployment) new network to reduce operational risk communications network on banks that have multiple providers.
The working principle of this optimization is to maximize the expected value of the achievement of service levels while lowering the risk level of the central interference. Optimization is achieved by mapping provider and the type of technology in their respective areas with the most effective ways that are expected to achieve the highest performance. With reference to the performance of data communication networks X Bank during 2014, this concept is expected can increase the value of expected value of service level to + 3.82%]