Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efek mood congruency terhadap tingkah laku berbagi artikel daring. Penelitian berdesain between subject experiment 2 (mood positif vs mood negatif) x 2 (emosi positif vs emosi negatif). Efek mood congruency baru muncul secara signifikan ketika diberi stimulus yang kongruen atau inkongruen dengan moodnya dan mempengaruhi tingkah laku berbagi artikel daring dengan mood positif lebih banyak membagikan artikel yang memicu emosi kongruen daripada mood negatif (U=750,000, z = 3,31, p=0,001, p<0,05, r = ,41). Artikel yang memicu emosi positif cenderung lebih banyak dibagikan (U= 997.000, z = 2.496, p=,013, p<0,05, r= 0,28). Ada indikasi pengaruh audience size dalam tingkah laku berbagi artikel daring.
This study is aimed to test the effect of mood congruency on online article sharing behavior. The research has between subject experiment design 2(positive mood vs negative mood) x 2(positive emotion vs negative emotion). The effect of mood congruency appears significantly when someone is given congruent or incongruent stimulus with his/her mood and affects online article sharing behavior with positive mood share more article that evokes congruent emotion than negative mood (U=750,000, z = 3,31, p=0,001, p<0,05, r = ,41). Meanwhile, article evoking positive emotion tend to be shared more than article evoking negative emotion. (U= 997.000, z = 2.496, p=,013, p<0,05, r= 0,28). There?s indication that audience size affects online article sharing behavior.