From all the data analyzed, the writer found that there was an improvement of students’ reading comprehension in narrative text The data were taken only fi'om one class. The class was The Students of Husbandry English Class in Odd semester of 2014-2015 .The class consisted of 28 students. By application of mind mapping method. It was proved by which showed that the mean of the students score in the second cycle ( is higher than first cycle and also is higher than pre-test . It also proved by the score of students who got up to 75 points was increased every cycle. They are pre-test 17.85%; post-test cycle I 35.71%; and post-test cycle II 64,28%. The writer also analyzed the qualitative data that were taken from observation sheets, questionnaire, diary notes, and interview. From the observation sheets, it was found that the class was effectively run. From the questionnaire and interview showed that the students faced many difficulties in narrative paragraph writing in the first meeting. The interview and questionnaire in the last meeting indicated that students were able to used mind mapping method in making narrative paragraph. The lecturer also agreed that mind mapping method was suitable to use in the class. From the diary notes it can be concluded that the students were very interested in following the teaching learning process by using mind mapping method. All the data indicated that the students gave good attitude and responses during the teaching and leaming process. Based on the results of quantitative and qualitative data, it is found that application of the mindmapping method has been successfully improves students’ reading skill.