This paper is a research report on computer literacy among rural people. The research trys to answer the question of how far computer literacy level of the rural community? the research was carried out based on positivistic paradigm with the quantitative approach through a survey. The research covered Bangka and Belitung, The Bangka Belitung ; Kerinci and Marangin; The Jambi;Kaur and South of Bengkulu. The result show that: 1) there is strong symmetrically connections between the variation of the age category and the variation of the computer literacy in the respondent's circle in Jambi; 2) There is no strong connection between the difference of the generation and the score of computer literacy in the respondent's Bengkulu circle; 3) There is strong symmetrically connection between the difference of the genneration and the score of computer literacy in the respondent's Babel circle.