The problems of irregular inactive records to be completed if the inactive record management can run well and are supported by adequate infrastructure. A mens of supporting the smooth management of inactive records are records center. With the archive inactive records center to be more efficient and archive issues will be resolved as chaotic inactive storage can be centralized and controlled. In addition the management of inactive records will be olderly and not chaotic if archive root causes chaotic it resolved that since the active archive must have a pattern thet is uniform classification of the unit cretaor archives, the existence of human resorces in the field of archive/archivists, at the shrinkage in the central file can be run so that when the file is moved to inactive records center will be the same classification code, records in olderly condition, there is news of the handover, there is a list of archives and records thet will be needed when it can be recovered quicly and efficiently right effective. To achieve these objectives should be supported by all parties, unit leader, archivist, records managers, and equally important is to be supported by infrastructure adequate funding and sufficient.