Methods of treatment in which the application of physical forces are known as operation units. Methods of treatment in which the removal of contaminants which is brought by chemical or biological processes are known as unit processes. At the present time, unit operations and processes are grouped together to provide what is known as primary, secondary and tertiary treatment.
In primary treatment, physical operations such as screebing and sedimentation are used to remove the floating and settleable solids from the wastewater. In secondary treatment, chemical and biological processes are used to remove most of organics matter. In tertiary treatment, the combination of unit operations and processes are used to remove other constituents, such as nitrogen and phoshphorus, which are not removed by secondary treatment.
The hospital's wastewater has a specific characteristic that is the infectious wastewater. The phosphorus contain in Sleman's Public Hospital wastewater is larger than the maximum standard, so it need tertiary treatment adding on the Sleman's Public Hospital wastewater plant treatment.