The aim of this research is to minimixe the effect of air pollution by reducing gas emission which is exhausted by the vehicle. The effort is taken by modifying the ignition system of the existing standard by using a distributorless ignition system. The modification is conducted by changing the distributor function which now becomes a trigger in the ignition unit.
The examination is done on SJ-410 type engine. It is one of the engine type which has most populations. The engine type is used in Suzuki Carry and Suzuki Katana. The examination is done at the rotating speed variations of 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, and 3500 rpm. The exhaust gas emission measurement is conducted by using Infrared gas analyser: Protech Flux 5000 srl.
The result of the research indicates that the distributorless system reduces the emission of SJ-410 engine type. It is caused by more perfect combustion of fuel and air, furthermore the perfect combustion causes the decrease of HC and CO gas of the exhaust.