This paper reports a study on the pragmatic transfer in compliment responses by Indonesian learners of English. It has two aims: (1) to discover similarities in complement response in Indonesian and in English and (2) to discover if there is the pragmatic transfer to compliment responses from Indonesian into English. Using the result from Discourse Completion Test (DCT), this study investigated similarities and different between 2175 compliment responses in Indonesian and 2175 compliment responses in English given by 78 Indonesian learners of English enrolled in "public Speaking" course at State University of Padang. The data are described in term of percentage and analyzed by using chi-square test. The result of the study shows that there is no significant difference between compliment responses given by Indonesian Learners of English in Indonesian and that of in English. Compared to the data about complement responses given by American people provided by Chen (1993), there is a significant difference between types of compliment responses given by Indonesian learners of English and that of by the native speakers of English. It seems that there is a tendency to do negative pragmatic transfers from Indonesian into English. The teaching implication is that more rules on compliments and compliment responses which are appropriate in English should be introduced to student. As a result the Negative transfer can be reduced.