Backround: Hypertantion in pregnant is one of three main causes of maternal morbidity and among pregnant women in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to obtain the prevalence of hypertension and associated factors in pregnant woman in Indonesia. Methods: This is cross sectional study within 33 provinces and 440 districts in Indonesia. sample was selected using probability proportional to size (PPS). The respondents were pregnant woman aged 15-54 years. Total sample size was 8.341. result: there were 12.7% (10620 respondents with hypertension. The highest percentage of hypertension was found in South Sumatra Province (18.0%) and not found pregnant woman in the Sounth Sulawesi. Hypertasion was found among pregnant woman aged less than 18 years and those aged more than 35 years, i.e:24.3% with OR of 2.85 (95% CI:2.47-3.28). This study concludes that hypertension in pregnant mother was associated with age, aducation and area.