Indonesia Constitutes the third highest of Tuberculosis (TB) cases after India and China. One of the problem in TB control is still law of drugs treatment complience of TB patients. The objekive of this study was to know the relationship between TB disease prevention behariors with treatment compliance of TB patiants im Indonesia Data Explored from National Basic Health Survey (Riskesdas)2010. The data is designed to represent provincies. Design of study is cross sectional. The population is all respondents of riskesdas 2010, while sample were chosen ages >_ 15 years with Pulmonary TB, perticularly the TB patients who was receive medication and treated by health facilities. The number of sample are all 968 patients. Interviews were conducted by skilled interviewers. Data were processed by SPSS 15 version. The behavior of respondents drying the wrong mattress have risk non-compliant treatment about 1.64 compared with the behavior or respondents drying the right mattress (OR=1.64; P=0,001; CI;1,21-2,22). Likewise low education has risk non-complaint treatment in the amount of 1.62 compared with highly educated respondents (OR=1.62; P=0,005; CI;1,15-2,27). The updated data signify that analysis of drug adherence TB patients will show significantly in correlation between drug adherence with level of education, and behavior of dry mattress