ABSTRAKDengan potensi ekonomi yang besar dari ubi kayu dalam perdagangan
dunia dan meningkatnya kebutuhan dunia akan ubi kayu serta dengan
keterbatasan-keterbatasan Indonesia dalam meningkatkan produksi ubi kayu,
perlu dikaji faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi produksi, konsumsi maupun
harga ubi kayu di Indonesia. Produksi ubi kayu dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh
variabel harga ubi kayu, luas areal panen ubi kayu dan harga pupuk urea.
Konsumsi ubi kayu di Indonesia dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh variabel
jumlah penduduk Indonesia. Harga ubi kayu di Indonesia dipengaruhi secara
signifikan oleh variabel luas panen ubi kayu, konsumsi ubi kayu dan panjang jalan
beraspal. Berdasarkan proyeksi, produksi ubi kayu akan mengalami peningkatan
jika harga ubi kayu, produktivitas lahan ubi kayu maupun luas panennya
ditingkatkan. Konsumsi ubi kayu Indonesia diproyeksikan akan mengalami
penurunan jika secara bersamaan ada peningkatan harga ubi kayu, peningkatan
pendapatan perkapita dan adanya peningkatan jumlah penduduk Indonesia. Harga
ubi kayu diproyeksikan akan mengalami peningkatan jika konsumsi ubi kayu
mengalami penurunan dibarengi dengan penurunan luas areal panen ubi kayu.
ABSTRACTWith great economic potential of cassava in the world trade and the
increasing world demand for cassava as well as the limitations of Indonesia to
increase cassava production it needs to be investigated factors that can affect the
production, consumption and prices of cassava in Indonesia. Cassava production
is significantly influenced by the variable price of cassava, cassava harvested
area and price of urea fertilizer. Consumption of cassava in Indonesia is
significantly influenced by population of Indonesia. The price of cassava in
Indonesia is significantly influenced by cassava harvested area, consumption of
cassava and the length of tarred road. Based on projections, cassava production
would increase if cassava price, cassava land productivity and harvested area are
improved. Indonesian cassava consumption is projected to decline if there are
increasing in cassava price, per capita income and population of Indonesia
simultaneously. The price of cassava is projected to increase if the consumption of
cassava decreased accompanied by a decrease in the total area harvested
cassava., With great economic potential of cassava in the world trade and the
increasing world demand for cassava as well as the limitations of Indonesia to
increase cassava production it needs to be investigated factors that can affect the
production, consumption and prices of cassava in Indonesia. Cassava production
is significantly influenced by the variable price of cassava, cassava harvested
area and price of urea fertilizer. Consumption of cassava in Indonesia is
significantly influenced by population of Indonesia. The price of cassava in
Indonesia is significantly influenced by cassava harvested area, consumption of
cassava and the length of tarred road. Based on projections, cassava production
would increase if cassava price, cassava land productivity and harvested area are
improved. Indonesian cassava consumption is projected to decline if there are
increasing in cassava price, per capita income and population of Indonesia
simultaneously. The price of cassava is projected to increase if the consumption of
cassava decreased accompanied by a decrease in the total area harvested