ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang efektivitas metode penggalangan terhadap mantan
narapidana teroris di Indonesia. Terorisme di Indonesia terbukti masih ada bahkan
berkembang dalam bentuk dan kelompok-kelompok baru. Penelitian ini berupaya
mengukur efektivitas metode penggalangan yang sudah dilakukan oleh penegak
hukum maupun yang dilakukan oleh kalangan lembaga swadaya masyarakat.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik analisa
triangulasi yang membandingkan data dan hasil wawancara dari beberapa
narasumber. Responden yang diwawancarai adalah sumber utama yang terlibat
langsung baik sebagai subjek maupun objek penggalangan intelijen.Hasil
penelitian ini menyarankan adanya upaya terkoordinasi antara aparat negara
dalam memberdayakan mantan narapidana kasus terorisme. Selain itu, pendekatan
lunak dengan metode RASCLS dinilai efektif dan dianjurkan untuk digunakan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses a method of raising the effectiveness of the intelligence
conditioning for ex-convict terrorists in Indonesia. Terrorism in Indonesia has
proven to still exist and even thrive in the form of new groups. This research
seeks to measure the effectiveness of intelligence conditioning methods that have
been carried out by law enforcement as well as those carried out by the nongovernmental
organizations. This study is a qualitative study using techniques that
compare data triangulation analysis and interviews from several sources.
Respondents were interviewed is the main source directly involved either as the
subject or object of intelligence conditioning. These results suggest the existence
of a coordinated effort between state agencies to empower ex-convict terrorism
cases. In addition, the soft approach RASCLS method is considered effective and
is recommended for use., This thesis discusses a method of raising the effectiveness of the intelligence
conditioning for ex-convict terrorists in Indonesia. Terrorism in Indonesia has
proven to still exist and even thrive in the form of new groups. This research
seeks to measure the effectiveness of intelligence conditioning methods that have
been carried out by law enforcement as well as those carried out by the nongovernmental
organizations. This study is a qualitative study using techniques that
compare data triangulation analysis and interviews from several sources.
Respondents were interviewed is the main source directly involved either as the
subject or object of intelligence conditioning. These results suggest the existence
of a coordinated effort between state agencies to empower ex-convict terrorism
cases. In addition, the soft approach RASCLS method is considered effective and
is recommended for use.]